Anna Lake Insight


Marketing & Design Agency

About Us

I specialise in client listening programmes which allow businesses to gather valuable and actionable insight from their clients through independent qualitative interviews. I help organisations find out what they do well, where they might improve and how they make their clients feel. I then help to turn the insight into action because there's no point in listening to your clients if you're not going to make any changes as a result of their feedback.

Client listening has many uses:

- As part of your client care programme

- To inform your marketing strategy

- To generate content for marketing to prospective clients

- As part of R&D or thought leadership projects

- To aid client retention

- As part of market perception or re-branding projects

As well as looking at what's happened in the past, client listening can also help you uncover new business opportunities but asking your clients about their future challenges and priorities in a non-sales environment.


  • Client/customer listening
  • Client/customer experience
  • Qualitative market research
  • Brand perception research

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Anna Lake